Friday, August 21, 2020

Rangefinder Beira II from 1934 with "Okula" prisma system

 This camera was found as trash with other photographic material. 

Basically cost me 5€ and I've decide to  provide a cosmetic relook and preserve this camera  a few years more!

It was the 1st time I saw it and only later found that is not very commun

Equipped with Schneider Kreuznach Xenar  5cm 2.9 sn.807788

Shutter Compur-Rapid  working from 1→500 

Rangefinder is nor working due to broken support.

Here some steps from transformation:

Missing leather

Leather removed from aluminium body

Cleaning body

Rangefinder removed

Lens removed and cleaned

checking rangefinder and missing parts.


Gluing leather

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