Friday, August 21, 2020

Rangefinder Beira II from 1934 with "Okula" prisma system

 This camera was found as trash with other photographic material. 

Basically cost me 5€ and I've decide to  provide a cosmetic relook and preserve this camera  a few years more!

It was the 1st time I saw it and only later found that is not very commun

Equipped with Schneider Kreuznach Xenar  5cm 2.9 sn.807788

Shutter Compur-Rapid  working from 1→500 

Rangefinder is nor working due to broken support.

Here some steps from transformation:

Missing leather

Leather removed from aluminium body

Cleaning body

Rangefinder removed

Lens removed and cleaned

checking rangefinder and missing parts.


Gluing leather

Gaumont Stereodrome 6x13 sn.1768

This year the Fête des brocs - 14 août 2020, Port-de-Lanne/France was cancelled and moved to Mont de Marsan due to COVD-19

For me it was the GAUMONT year. In 3 different sellers: 

2 Books  “Les Spidos et Stereospidos Gaumont” & “Notice pour emploi  des Block- Notes, des Stereo-Block-Notes des Amplificateurs  Gaumont” 

Parts for Gaumont stereo cartridge. 

And  a wonderfull Gaumont Stereodrome  6x13 sn.1768 not working. 
After 4 days restoring, the mechanism became operational.