Monday, May 29, 2017

Blériot XI & Louis Charles Joseph Blériot (1872 – 1936 )

Interesting positive glass view in a 10x8cm format.
Found this weekend in Cestas. For sure this plane, the Bleriot XI was one of the most famous in 1909.
It was the first plane to cross the English Chanel  (La Manche) in 25th July of 1909. His pilot, engineer and constructer  became one of the most famous personalities at those times. He won a 1000£ prize offered by the Daily mail newspaper.

I like to imagine that in this photo,  Blériot was piloting the famous Bleriot XI.

Lately, the name “Blériot”” and his company “Recherches Aeronautiques Louis Blériot “ became a reference in the aeronautics 

The design of Bleriot XI

Once worked in Photoshop