Saturday, December 31, 2016

Contax IIIa

Contax was the brand name found by  Zeiss Ikon  in 1932 to the new camera 24x36 . They were following a era as  Leitz with Leica brand.

Contax IIIA  was a concentrate of technology. Rangefinder; light cell , an amazing standard optical element Sonnar 50 F1.5 from Carl Zeiss. This set was found with Contameter and Contatest options.

Germany - 1959-  Contax " IIIa "
sn. L 82578 


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Personal Pictures


 Recycling Project 


Original created for the Olympics in  Munich, 1936, This lens survived for more then 50 years.
This is the ZEBRA model  due the design of new barrels. Was designed for medium format like Pentacon Six.
This lens only has 7 blades. Results are quite impressive  with lovely  colours
I'm shooting on hand  with my D800  using a specific adapteur .

Carl Zeiss Jena Sonnar 180mm f2 8  
Zebra Model from 1970-75
